"I would love to give a Nerd Night talk, but I just don't feel passionately about anything to talk about it!".
This is a response that we get ALL THE TIME! The truth is that we all have something that we are an expert in and others aren't, we may just need some help finding out what! It's Nerd night but very few of our talks are actually about Science or History.
Just remember the golden rule, it should be something that the audience can take away knowing something new, that thing can be "Cool things in Mali" or "X conspiracy" or "how I dealt with X experience"
Here you can browse through a sample of past talks to get an idea of what kind of things people talk about. Below you can find a sample of talk descriptions, slide shows & videos of their talks. Check out presenters page for more tips on getting a presentation together.
This is a response that we get ALL THE TIME! The truth is that we all have something that we are an expert in and others aren't, we may just need some help finding out what! It's Nerd night but very few of our talks are actually about Science or History.
Just remember the golden rule, it should be something that the audience can take away knowing something new, that thing can be "Cool things in Mali" or "X conspiracy" or "how I dealt with X experience"
Here you can browse through a sample of past talks to get an idea of what kind of things people talk about. Below you can find a sample of talk descriptions, slide shows & videos of their talks. Check out presenters page for more tips on getting a presentation together.
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